Supernaturally Wiki

Katrina Cahill Katrina Cahill 28 October 2011

The Ghost In the Hotel

Hai! It's me again.

My new blog post's all about my second story, The Ghost In the Hotel.

The plot's all about a Russian descend girl named Nikolai Chernova, who, lives in 'Frank's Haven' hotel suite's D118, the reknown haunted suite.

No one knows exactly the main reason why that suite is haunted, but, Nathaniel knows a little bit of pieces:

During World War II, the founder, Frank Sands, had tried to summon his dead wife's spirit from the dead in the suite he once lived in. It took him four days before he revived his wife, however, her soul pestered unrestly from the no-longer-virgin body Frank Sands killed.

It was said, that, to revive a soul, the body the soul can enter in must be a virgin's body.

Anyways, Frank's wife was more jealous of oth…

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Katrina Cahill Katrina Cahill 11 October 2011

The Ghost That Follows

It's out!

My first story: The Ghost That Follows is an extremely ghostly story about Avril Loraigne who is being haunted by her old deceased, Ashleigh Lingeraine.

Ashleigh is not actually just haunting her friend, but, each and every single people Avril knows, dies in an unsuspected accident. And so far, Jane was the first person she ever saw who died.

She meets a new dude, and she meets her crush, Michael Robbs.

But when she sees Ashleigh daily, or, often, Ashleigh's next victim is Avril.

I'd be saying if it's done! But for now, watch my profile, I'd be puttingif it's done.


~Avril Loraigne

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